Millennials Are Bringing the Vote

Young people in line to vote

Texans under 30 led the nation in voter turnout this 2020 election! In the 2016 election, Texas ranked 49th out of 50. This is huge! At the end of early voting in Texas, over 1 million people under 30 had cast their ballots. Young people are politcally re-charged. We realize that our voices are louder when we vote. The new generation is unafraid of challenges and we will take to the streets for equality and justice for all.

I voted for the immigrants and felons who can’t vote. I voted for climate change, healthcare, education and my children’s children. Go to the polls thinking of all instead of yourself. This election is being watched worldwide because other countries are greatly effected by American government. Use your power and be politally involved.



Karissa Franklin

Senior at UH. My major is Journalism Print. I’m also a lifestyle blogger and activist. Subscribe to my blog at